Diary of a preggo: week 15

Diary of a preggo: week 15

Dear diary,

Week 15 of my pregnancy can be described as the most peaceful week of my pregnancy so far. The midwife already predicted that around the 15th week, my body would get used to the pregnancy hormones, and the ailments would decrease. I have waited anxiously for this week, and fortunately, I can now say that this is the case for me. Nausea finally disappeared this week, and apart from the permanent fatigue, I feel okay again.

I am happy to say that I suffer less from ailments, but the pregnancy slowly becomes very noticeable. And the 'bulging' suddenly seems to be going very fast. People around me are starting to see it, too, leading to questions like "are you having twins after all?" or "are you sure you didn't miss out on a second one?"

Beforehand, I was nervous about this moment and looked up to get fatter, but now I notice that I enjoy it and also like my growing bump.

To be honest, it's not just the baby that's making me big, as cravings are also slowly increasing. Everything sweet or sour in the sense of sweets goes inside. And of course, I try to limit it, but the sweets beckon me. What is a pity is that my healthy cravings have decreased a lot. Whereas fruit used to be very appealing, that is less and less the case. 

Since the symptoms began to subside in week 12, I have slowly started to feel like I am on cloud nine and love being pregnant. Next week, we will finally get the sex determination ultrasound and start shopping.

We strongly think it will be a boy, and I have already begun filling a group app AKA 'Wishlist baby'. I keep my husband informed of all the items that will be purchased. He is slowly getting more nervous because the app fills up with things that all look alike to him. That is going to be something.

I will keep you informed of all the exciting developments & of course the shopping trolleys that will be filled. :-)

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